It has come to my attention that I may have offended someone's senses. Therefore, I am posting this disclaimer to allay any future attacks on my veracity.
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This disclaimer covers content, comments, links, government and local laws, jurisdiction, communications methods, prisoners access to and from jails, women at risk of becoming or are pregnant, and even lawyers.
Should you wish to complain, please do not impugn the author; contact your local bar association, legal society, neighborhood association of jurists, medical board, county hospital, phone book, online directory, local emergency number in your jurisdiction, your mother or father, or Google to find or obtain a referral to a competent professional.
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Mel, you did not offend my senses but I surely hope I did not offend yours. I was reading some of the sites I follow on my blog recently and thought, "I haven't heard from Mel in a long time." Then it dawned on me - I never linked to your blog. All is fixed now, so keep posting and I'll be following!