Thursday, January 28, 2010

We've seen this movie before . . .

Don't look at the trailer, it is too ridiculous. The Democrats’ populist plans can’t possibly work, because government bankrupts everything it touches. History teaches us that unfunded entitlement programs will be utter and complete disasters. Our economy will implode in the long run, much like Argentina's did.

Yesterday's and today’s CONGRESS' are guilty of sheer stupidity; The U. S. is dying before our very eyes, reminiscent of the Roman Empire and Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

The final stage of a bizzaro fiscal plan, characterized by “corporate protectionism," (thanks to the recent Supreme 5-4 decision) redistribution of income based on increased wages, (upping the minimum wage) and growing intervention in the economy, (TARP) is there for us to see. Fiscal intervention is not new. WW-II's Roosevelt invented the American government's war economy, rationing, recycling, drafting men in uniform, women filling gaps in war industry to stave off a coming double-dip depression. Truman's Korean "Police Action" continued the war economy, and his recognition of the new state of Israel promised increases in foreign aid. Eisenhower kept the growing Cold War on the front burner, keeping the war machine well oiled while cautioning against the Military-Industrial Complex. But he signing larger and larger Pentagon budgets. The creeping inflation continued, 1949 dollars were now worth about 55 cents. People in the US starving? Yes. Homeless? Yes. Numbers were increasing. Eisenhower sent Army trainers to aid the French in Vietnam. Then came Kennedy & the promise of a new generation. That didn't last long. The CIA debacle in Cuba & his precipice policy of missiles removed from that island almost brought on a "real mushroom cloud." More troops sent to Vietnam. He was shot because (fill in the blank).

Johnson foisted more Vietnam on the public, signed the Great Society legislation, again increasing the debt of the nation. Subtle inflation continued, the 1949 dollar was now worth about 39 cents. Nixon was elected and he set out to wind down the Vietnam War, and readjust the dollar. He took the U.S. economy off the gold standard and raised the value of the new Federal Reserve Note to a full one (promissary) dollar. But it still only bought 39 cents worth of groceries. More starving homeless were added to the rolls of dropouts. The dollar was now being measured against 1968. With the military roll back in Vietnam & the introduction of the all-volunteer Army, unemployment was stabilized at 3-4 percent according to government figures. (It was more like 7-8 percent and the dropout rate continued to rise).

Now government printing presses were being used to control inflation. Too much money equals higher inflation, print less. Prices going too high? Print more. The public debt increased, but the world's bankers believed the U. S.'s line of "full faith & credit" and kept buying Treasuries and kept our economy afloat. Without it, we would look like Argentina.

Social Security in the U.S. is a giant ponzi scheme overshadowing Bernie Madoff. Our congress would have been imprisoned if there weren't so many of them, and too many of them are lawyers. Our Social Security system, like Argentina's, imploded but the Fed just printed more money. Thus, the American public is too stupid to notice. Ford kept the bubble growing. Ronnie, the darling of the Republicans had Gorbachev tear down the Berlin wall, but what was gained? Instead of reductions, the nation saw ever higher Pentagon budgets and incursions in Lebanon. Clinton got in, (like him or not) and bombed Yugoslavia, Somalia and other sneaky things a la "Mad Maddie" Albright. The good times America was beginning to feel was because of the lassez-faire fiscal foundation laid by Reagan schemes, Iran-Contra affair notwithstanding. Clinton did balance the budget in spite of 'Puddin' head' Gingrich's contract, and turned a huge surplus over to Jimmy the Greek .... er, I'm sorry, Georgie the Cowboy.

Little King Georgie and his stalwart Dr. Doom went to war with the GWOT, which sucked up the surplus like a brand new ShopVac wet-dry vacuum cleaner. Was Greenspan put on the spot? Oh, no, he just told congress to print more money. The dollar's 1968 value now plummeted to around 66 cents. (Ever increasingly worthless paper). Georgie's Republican congress, aided by Israeli-leaning Democrats shoveled money into the Pentagon coffers, and the Israelis got the largest foreign aid package, ever. The Republicans lowered taxes for the upper tier, and revamped the civil service system allowing over-ribboned generals to be employed as "consultants" and feed at the trough.

By 2008, U. S. congressional fiscal irresponsibility and investment bank greediness induced a national economic crisis as severe as America’s Great Depression. (Bankers, Congress and the national media aren't telling how bad it really is). Our new president promised change ... and we are getting it. More war, bigger Pentagon budgets, more civil servants to try to offset unemployment. More kids going to bed hungry, more homeless and the paper dollar worth about 33 cents.
We've come a long way, baby.

Roll credits.

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