Saturday, December 12, 2009

Burning books

Didn't Hitler's brown shirts burn books that the Nazis banned? Didn't Hitler's brown shirts attack Jewish synagogues?

Now I read where the Israeli "settlers" have taken those same lessons of Hitler and raided a West Bank Mosque in Yasuf, a town near Nablus. They burned Korans and copies of the Hadith, or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, a hundred books in all, destroyed prayer carpets, and sprayed slogans on the walls.

It is feared that the attack may be the beginning of an intensified campaign against the Palestinians, and the Israeli government by the settlers. When Palestinian villagers discovered the desecration of their mosque, they started throwing stones at Israeli soldiers, whom they often accuse of complicity with settlers when they carry out such attacks on them and their olive orchards. Two Palestinians and an Israeli soldier were hurt in the clashes, and the marauding settlers escaped.

The settlers believe that the West Bank – which they call by its Biblical name, Judea and Samaria – should be part of a greater Israel, and are adamantly opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state. The Israeli government controls almost all of Palestinian lands, supposedly guaranteeing Palestine safety under occupation by the Israeli Defense Forces.
"Construction in Judea and Samaria will continue in the next 10 months," said Benny Begin, the son of former prime minister Menachem Begin.

With "friends" like these, why does U.S. administration after administration continue supporting this new form of genocide? Somebody needs to get their act together, and it is US!

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